CSJ Executive Editor Nominations

We invite nominations for a new Executive Editor for the multidisciplinary journal Cognitive Science, replacing our outgoing Executive Editor Prof. Richard P. Cooper. Cognitive Science is the flagship journal of the Cognitive Science Society, publishing interdisciplinary research in anthropology, education, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, computer science, neuroscience, and robotics. The new Executive Editor will play a crucial role in maintaining the journal’s rigorous scientific standards and further extending its interdisciplinary scope, building on the foundations provided by previous editors and helping shape the future of the field.

We are seeking an Executive Editor who combines relevant editorial experience with a broad view of the field and a vision for the future development of the journal. The Executive Editor is responsible for day-to-day oversight of the journal’s scientific content, assisted by a board of Associate Editors and journal staff, and has a leading role in determining journal content and policies, setting the agenda for the journal and the field as a whole. We anticipate that the Executive Editor will serve for a term of 6 years, commencing in January 2021.

To make a nomination, simply provide your nominee’s name and affiliation below, together with a short statement (max 1000 characters, roughly 150 words) explaining why you are making this nomination. The Cognitive Science Society is dedicated to achieving diversity, and we especially encourage nominations of members of disciplines and groups which are underrepresented in cognitive science. Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations will be considered by the search committee (Kenny Smith [chair], Robert L. Goldstone, Cleotilde Gonzalez, Roger Levy) and selected nominees will be approached in due course for their proposals to enhance the journal’s excellence, disciplinary diversity, and community diversity.

Nomination enquiries can be sent to the Chair of the search committee, Kenny Smith (kenny.smith@ed.ac.uk)


For more information about the Cognitive Science Journal, please visit our Journal page.

The deadline for nominations is 30th September 2019

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