Welcome to the Cognitive Science Society (CSS). The mission of the Society is to promote Cognitive Science as a discipline, and to foster scientific interchange among researchers in various areas of study, including Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, Anthropology, Psychology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Education.

Cogsci Grove
The Cognitive Science Society is pleased to announce the establishment of the CogSci Grove which aims to mobilise cognitive scientists to offset carbon emissions associated with their professional activities.
Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Journal. Cognitive Science is the official journal of the Cognitive Science Society. Membership in the society includes a subscription to the journal.
topiCS: Topics in Cognitive Science. Our newest journal is devoted to special topics and frontier issues in cognitive science.
Recent Articles
- Conceptual Combination in Large Language Models: Uncovering Implicit Relational Interpretations in Compound Words With Contextualized Word Embeddings
- Issue Information
- Modeling How Suffixes Are Learned in Infancy
- Opening Social Interactions: The Coordination of Approach, Gaze, Speech, and Handshakes During Greetings
- Gesture Reduces Mapping Difficulties in the Development of Spatial Language Depending on the Complexity of Spatial Relations
- Negation in First Language Acquisition: Universal or Language‐Specific?
- Dynamicity Predicts Inferred Temporal Order in Complex Sentences: Evidence from English, German, and Polish
- Issue Information
- Size‐Sound Iconicity in English‐Like Pseudowords Influences Referent Labeling and Prosody
- ACKNOWLEDGING THE GAP WHILE BRIDGING IT: The Experimental Versus Theoretical Divide on the Cognitive Science Study of Language
Recent Articles
- Shifting Between Models of Mind: New Insights Into How Human Minds Give Rise to Experiences of Spiritual Presence and Alternative Realities
- The Limited Place in Cognitive Space
- Diagnosis at a Distance: The Challenges Involved in Mushroom Identification
- Where Mathematical Symbols Come From
- Aging and the Division of Labor of Theory of Mind Skills in Metaphor Comprehension
- Sign Languages in Healthy Aging Population: Review of Neurobehavioral Evidence
- Process and Dynamics in AI and Language Use
- A Career Dedicated to Gesture, Language, Learning, and Cognition: Susan Goldin‐Meadow, 2021 Recipient of the Rumelhart Prize
- Distinguishing Underlying, Inferred, and Expressed Preferences, Attitudes, and Beliefs: An Absence of (Mental) Flatness?
- A Working Memory Model of Sentence Processing as Binding Morphemes to Syntactic Positions

Recent Articles
- Conceptual Combination in Large Language Models: Uncovering Implicit Relational Interpretations in Compound Words With Contextualized Word Embeddings
- Issue Information
- Modeling How Suffixes Are Learned in Infancy
- Opening Social Interactions: The Coordination of Approach, Gaze, Speech, and Handshakes During Greetings
- Gesture Reduces Mapping Difficulties in the Development of Spatial Language Depending on the Complexity of Spatial Relations
- Negation in First Language Acquisition: Universal or Language‐Specific?
- Dynamicity Predicts Inferred Temporal Order in Complex Sentences: Evidence from English, German, and Polish
- Issue Information
- Size‐Sound Iconicity in English‐Like Pseudowords Influences Referent Labeling and Prosody
- ACKNOWLEDGING THE GAP WHILE BRIDGING IT: The Experimental Versus Theoretical Divide on the Cognitive Science Study of Language
Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Journal. Cognitive Science is the official journal of the Cognitive Science Society. Membership in the society includes a subscription to the journal.
Recent Articles
- Shifting Between Models of Mind: New Insights Into How Human Minds Give Rise to Experiences of Spiritual Presence and Alternative Realities
- The Limited Place in Cognitive Space
- Diagnosis at a Distance: The Challenges Involved in Mushroom Identification
- Where Mathematical Symbols Come From
- Aging and the Division of Labor of Theory of Mind Skills in Metaphor Comprehension
- Sign Languages in Healthy Aging Population: Review of Neurobehavioral Evidence
- Process and Dynamics in AI and Language Use
- A Career Dedicated to Gesture, Language, Learning, and Cognition: Susan Goldin‐Meadow, 2021 Recipient of the Rumelhart Prize
- Distinguishing Underlying, Inferred, and Expressed Preferences, Attitudes, and Beliefs: An Absence of (Mental) Flatness?
- A Working Memory Model of Sentence Processing as Binding Morphemes to Syntactic Positions

Welcome to the Cognitive Science Society (CSS). The mission of the Society is to promote Cognitive Science as a discipline, and to foster scientific interchange among researchers in various areas of study, including Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, Anthropology, Psychology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Education.
Key Dates
Oct 3, 2022: Fellows nominations open
Nov 1, 2022: Mind Challenge applications close
Nov 3, 2022: Fellows nominations close
Nov 18, 2022: Elman Prize nominations close
Nov 22, 2022: Glushko Dissertation Prize nominations open
Jan 20, 2023: Glushko Dissertation Prize nominations close
Jan 23, 2023: Rumelhart Prize nomination opens
Feb 28, 2023: Rumelhart Prize nomination closes
Mar 1, 2023: Call for Governing Board nominees opens
Mar 22, 2023: Call for Governing Board nominees closes
Apr 11, 2023: GB elections open
May 2, 2023: GB elections close
Jul 26 – 29, 2023: Annual Conference in Sydney
Association Management
We have a new association management company, Podium Conference Services. You may receive emails from them regarding your CSS Membership renewal on their Conference Manager membership software platform.
The Cognitive Science Society is pleased to announce the establishment of the CogSci Grove which aims to mobilise cognitive scientists to offset carbon emissions associated with their professional activities.
society secretariat
Podium Conference & Association Specialists
#124-4730 University Way NE 104
Seattle, WA 98105
email: info@cognitivesciencesociety.org
phone: 1-800-472-7644